Developed for bulk and tanker shipping

Are you looking to increase your fleet utilization?

Seaber can help. Watch the video below to see how.

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Improve fleet efficiency, increase TCE, and realize 3-5% in annual savings

Save time and increase profit with Seaber, an advanced fleet scheduling and optimization software

How does Seaber help your chartering teams maximize productivity?

First, you can optimize the schedule for all contracted cargoes.

And then, identify and contract the most attractive market/spot cargoes for your fleet.

Shipowners and cargo owners can use our software to:

Surface complex shipping options that leverage siloed data in an integrated workflow, and provide drag-and-drop tools for managing it


Give users an easy way to try model out ideas and compare these scenarios


Use advanced shipping algorithms to help them make decisions based on capacity utilization and data


Do all the above taking restrictions into account

Visualization of inefficiencies and violations for:
  • Ballast leg durations
  • Vessel fill rate per leg
  • Laycan violations
  • Waiting time
  • Previous cargo compatibility
Instant results and flexibility to see the impacts of changes

Easy modification of the plan:

  • Drag and drop of voyages or parcels
  • Easily try out swapping voyages or parcels between vessels
  • Immediately see the impact on the whole fleet profitability

Drill down to what’s important with filters:

  • Time frame
  • Vessel/cargo types
  • Trade lanes or regions
Suggestion algorithms optimize capacity utilization
  • What are the best next voyages for a vessel or a trade lane?
  • Where would this urgent cargo/parcel fit?
  • Can you fit any more cargoes/parcels onto any of your existing voyages?
  • Which market cargoes would complement your fleet schedule the best?
  • What voyage/cargo/parcel swaps between vessels could you make to improve the schedule?
Reveals the most efficient scenario
  • Create multiple scenarios & compare their KPIs
  • Branch off a scenario from another one
  • Make a few modifications, see if the scenario KPIs improved: Total / Average TCE, Ballast %, Utilisation rate, Cost per ton-mile …and lots more
  • Keep or discard
Automatic check-up of restrictions for avoiding mistakes
  • Laycan restrictions
  • Tank or cargo hold capacities
  • Previous cargo compatibility
  • Vessel / cargo compatibility
  • Vessel / port draft

Customer segments


For chartering, planning & schedule optimization of their fleet for CoA & Spot + market inquiries. 

Cargo owners

For planning & schedule optimization of T/C-in vessels, CoA and Spot / Voyage chartered vessels. 

We cover even the most complex trades:

  • Short-sea
  • Deep-sea
  • COA
  • Spot
  • Parceling
  • Breakbulk
  • Project cargo
  • Single cargo voyages

Integrations through standard Seaber API, including:

  • Veson
  • Shipnet
  • Q88
  • SAP
  • NAPA

Segment specific solutions

Dry bulk
  • Cargo holds
  • Previous cargo
  • Cargo hold cleaning
  • Tank segregations
  • Previous cargo
  • Tank cleaning
  • Chemical, product
Breakbulk, parceling, project cargo
  • Crane capacity
  • Square metre capacity
  • Stackable
  • Below deck, on deck
  • Cargo compartments