As part of the initiative to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the European Commission has agreed on including maritime transport to the Emission Trading System. This act is aimed to help in delivering the EU climate targets for 2030. Seaber’s new feature calculates the financial impact of the emissions.
Seaber has now added EU ETS estimation into its intelligent drag and drop functionality which enables users to quickly compare multiple scenarios and reveals the impact of EU ETS.
The EU ETS is included into the Voyage PnL and aggregated into the fleet level to see the financial impact of the emissions, based on the estimated bunkers and port calls made during the voyage. This will aid shipowners in getting prepared for the reported emissions and allowance level.
For maritime transports, EU ETS means that each company operating vessels over 5000 GT (gross tonnage) in EU/EEA ports will be subject to surrendering emission allowances for the CO2 emissions from 2024 onwards, with more greenhouse gas emissions to be added in 2026. The allowance size is 100% for the emissions generated on voyages and port calls within EU/EEA and 50% for voyages in and out of the EU/EEA. To ensure a smooth transition, there is a phase-in period for the year 2024 of 40% of the emissions generated, which will increase to 70% by 2025 and finally to 100% by 2026.
This is of course only the start for emission control for the maritime industry, with more greenhouse gas emissions and different ECA areas to be added during the upcoming years to provide incentive for reducing emissions. Seaber is a prepared and flexible tool for taking a variety of variables into account for scheduling and planning. Including emission cost effects to the full view of the planners will ensure that a complete view of the voyage and fleet level profitability is known already at the scheduling phase.